Dr Dileep Agnihotri

The National Webinar organised by Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophical Society, Lucknow on COVID-19 PHILOSOPHY: Ethical, Linguistic and Epistemic Concerns concluded successfully.It has been discussed that there is a need to reflect on the nature of Post COVID-19 World. Three branches of Philosophy – Ethics, Philosophy of Language and Epistemology – were discussed. Philosophy provides solutions to the problems of life. The webinar started with the welcome address by Professor K C Pandey, Department of Philosophy, University of Lucknow. Prof. H S Upadhayaya, Head, Department of Philosophy and President, LWPS welcomed all the participants. Chairman Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, Professor R C Sinha said that Philosophy of Wittgenstein is very much relevant in Corona lockdown days. Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi Antarrastriya Hindi Viswavidyalaya Wardha Professor Rajneesh Shukla in his Keynote Address said Indian Cuture and Philosophy is the best in the world. Chairman Indian Philosophical Congress, Prof. S R Bhatt discussed about Indian value system in his presidential remarks. The vote of thanks was delivered by Pro- Vice Chancellor of N P University and Dean of Arts, DDU Gorakhpur University Professor D N Yadav. About 120 participants throughout India participated in the webinar.

Professor Alex Hankey from Cambridge, MIT, USA presented lecture on the COVID crisis and Wittgenstein’s private language argument and suggested how one much not intrude into other’s privacy. Many Professors from various universities in India such as Prof. Panneerselvam from Chennai, Professor, Anil Kumar from Central University of Kashmir, Professor Purbayan Jha from West Bengal, Professor Enakshi Ray Mitra from University of Delhi, Professor R P Singh, from JNU presented their papers.

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Verma, Department of Philosophy, University of Lucknow presented his paper on Buddhist approach COVID. The webinar is being organised and coordinate by Professor K C Pandey.
Tomorrow is the final day of the webinar.


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