Dr Dileep Agnihotri

The Dean, College Development Council, University of Lucknow Prof Audhesh K. Tripathi convened a meeting with the associated colleges of the University on 12th July 2020 at 11am under the chairmanship of Honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Alok K Rai. The meeting was called to discuss three main agenda items namely Progress of previous academic session 2019-20, Plan for the new session 2020-21 and Admissions to the new session. The Dean, CDC while informing that the University of Lucknow stood at first place in the State Educational Institutions as per webo-matrix by CSIC, Spain, urged the participating Colleges to play a proactive role for the growth and development of the University so that it may attain greater heights under the visionary leadership of the Vice -Chancellor.
The Principals/Managers of almost 120 colleges participated in the interactive online meeting. The Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof Alok K. Rai presided the meeting, he stressed on three main points -Academic audit of each college for the previous academic year which would cover E-learning status and initiatives, Student placements, Student mentoring, Research output, Sports and cultural achievements among others.

Secondly the Academic output by each college to be reviewed, a summary sheet would have to be forwarded by each college for review and lastly the Planning undertaken by colleges for the new session 2020-21. He emphasized on the holistic development of all the students of the colleges which are a part of the University.

The Registrar Dr. Vinod K Singh emphasized the last date for obtaining affiliation with the University was 15th July2020 and the colleges should obtain the same within this timeline. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Anil Mishra, Director Admissions, Prof. Poonam Tandon, Dean Students Welfare, Prof. Arvind Mohan, Dean Academics. Prof. Manuka Khanna, Dean Recruitments, Prof. Monisha Bannerji, Dean Research, Prof A.M Saxena, Controller Examinations, Prof Ram Milan, Head of the Department, Commerce, Dr Antiya Gaurav. and all the members of the CDC, The Deans threw light on the schemes for promotion of student welfare and research at the University. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Rajendra Kumar Verma.


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