Dr Dieep Agnihotri

The Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Lucknow, organized the e- launch of the inaugural issue of the journal Rhetorica Quarterly- A Literary Journal of Arts, Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2020 on 25 June 2020 at 04:00 p.m. The Head of the Department Prof Ranu Uniyal welcomed the participants and introduced the vision behind the journal. The inaugural issue was dedicated to Late Mrs. Mohini Manglik, who had taught in the department for three decades. She had passed away earlier this year.

The journal was launched by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Alok Kumar Rai and the Guest of Honor Dr. Anamika- a renowned poet, academic, critic and social worker. Prof. Rai congratulated the department on this initiative accomplished during the pandemic and motivated to continue undertaking and succeeding in academic and co- curricular endeavors. Dr. Anamika, in her spiritually inspiring talk stressed on the need to strike a balance between aesthetics and ethics- to be able to write “Kavya”. She congratulated and applauded the department for successfully delivering a quality journal.

The students of the Department Shruti Mishra, Mohammed Hejash, Galuh Dwi Ajeng, Satyam Singh and Akansha Pandey then read their submissions which were overwhelmingly appreciated by the participants of the e- session. Ashutosh Agarwal then gave insights to the efforts and challenges faced during the preparation of the journal and shared his vision and future goal to bring the journal into print form as well as to obtain an ISSN number for the same.

The program was moderated by Ansh Sharma and the Vote of Thanks was proposed by Amrita Sharma.


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